Steps to better animal nutrition Contact me here for a quote and other informationFill out the form below and provide possible other information via emailYou’ll recieve the diet plan and other documents via email Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Holder/Institution * *Name of the zoo or other institution.Contact person * *Email * *Email for contact person, this is where the documents will be sent.Street adress * *Postal code * *City/County * *Country * *Species * *Common and scientific name, e.g Forest reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus.Number of animals and genders * *E.g 1 intact male, 2 castrated males, 3 females, 4 juveniles.Approximate weight of animals * *Individual weights or group avarage.Body condition * *(1) Underweight(2) Thin(3) Normal(4) Slightly overweight(5) Severely overweightBody conditon of individual or avarage body condition of animals. References for scoring at the bottom of this page.Other observations of weight and body conditionAny individuals with unequal body condition, changes in weight, need for weight gain or loss etc.Medical conditionsState all medical conditions that may relate to diet.Current diet * *Describe the current diet as detailed as possible. State the amounts as fed per day per individual or group, which ever is more suitable. State also all brands and product names. E.g Carrots 300g, Mazuri Moose pellets 500g, Salvana Pferde Mineral 50g, autumn hay ad libitum (about 1,5kg), willow browse two branches twice a week etc.Expectations for the diet planAnything specific you hope to accomplish with diet.OtherAnything else you wish to bring to attention.WebsiteSubmit References for body condition scoring at NAG online.